Reflecting: ICAAN


  1. Identify the cause. Ask yourself, "What is triggering these emotions? Why is it a problem? What is it that I am to change? If you are not sure how to describe the problem, try asking others for how they would describe it or click the "Help Me" button on the app to connect with your Serenity Bot who will help identify the problem and assist you in proceeding to a solution based on how you're feeling. 
  2. Create ideas for solution to the problem. Ask yourself, "How can I fix this?" No idea is a bad one. Record all the ideas that come to mind. 
  3. Assess and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each potential solution. This will help you decide which is the optimal solution to the problem. (Consider quality not quantity). 
  4. Apply your ideas and practice them. Choose a few solutions and exercise them. Do not be afraid to try a solution, you will never know if it works unless you test it yourself. 
  5. Now, review how your solution worked and praise yourself for your effort. If it did not work, return to your list of pros and cons to select another idea - there's always a solution!